Samay Raina’s OTT show, India’s Got Latent, goes viral with each new episode released on YouTube. Originally launched as a spoof on talent hunt shows, the stand-up comedian’s series quickly struck a chord, gaining immense popularity.Pictures of the shoot of his latest episode have been leaked on social media. The leaked photos show that the show has Indian cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal as one of the guests. The Reddit user who leaked the photos was asked whether Chahal had been roasted on the show. The user said yes.“I can bet my life on this- Samay would have definitely roasted yuzi over cricket ki aajkal aapko koi team mai nhi leta yaa something like that,” wrote one user.“Yes, great guess. It was Yuzi bhai roast show,” the uploader replied. In another comment, the social media user says that Chahal “has great (sense of) humour”.As per the leaked photographs, the judging panel also consists of gaming video creator Tanmay Singh (sc0ut), YouTuber Purav Jha and. comedian Nishant Tanwar.In one of the photos, Samay is seen with a Ford Mustang. It seems to be a Mustang Shelby GT500. The signature aggressive styling, hood vent and yellow colour with black stripes are characteristic of this model.It is unlikely to belong to Samay Raina, who has said in multiple YouTube videos that he does not own a car.The show was hosted at The Habitat in Mumbai, as visible from its logo seen in the picture. The Reddit user uploaded a short video footage as well. The video shows Samay Raina walking towards the stage and opening the show.Also Read | Hilarious meme fest ensues as chess player Tania Sachdev asks for a photo edit“Welcome to the greatest show on YouTube,” Samay says in the video, attracting a huge cheer from the audience.Other Reddit users have also shared pictures from the show:Leaked picture from the latest episode of Samay Raina's India's Got LatentIndia’s Got Latent last episode The last released episode of India’s Got Latent has received over 18 million views in six days. The episode featured popular social media influencers Deepak Kalal and Lord Puneet Kumar Superstar.
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