With India set to lock horns against Australia in the upcoming Border - Gavaskar trophy, Sunil Gavaskar has issued a strong reaction as Indian captain Rohit Sharma is reportedly set to miss the first two Test match due to personal reasons. While speaking to Sports Tak, Gavaskar spoke on the importance of the captain being present for the first Test match. He further suggested that the selection committee should appoint Jasprit Bumrah as the captain and let Rohit Sharma participate as a player and not as captain in the series."We have been reading that Rohit Sharma will not play in the first Test, perhaps he will not play in the second as well. If this is the case, then I say that, right now, the Indian selection committee should say that 'if you have to rest, rest, if there are personal reasons then look at them. But if you are missing two-thirds of the matches then you should go for this tour only as a player. We will make the vice-captain the captain of this tour'", he told Sports Tak.Also Read | Rohit Sharma to retire from Test cricket after BGT 2024, claims former IND starHe also mentioned that if India had won the New Zealand series, the situation would have been different. However, the former cricketer stressed the importance of having a captain in the beginning of the upcoming Australia series.“The captain has to unite the team. If there is no captain in the beginning, it is better to make someone else the captain,” he added.Rohit Sharma and wife Ritika to be parents again? There have been reports that Rohit Sharma is set to miss the matches as he and his wife Ritika are set to be parents again. Commenting on Gavaskar's statement, Former Australia cricketer Aaron Finch told ESPNcricinfo, “I disagree with Sunny on that totally. Rohit Sharma is the captain of the Indian cricket team. If you need to stay at home because your wife is having a baby... that's such a beautiful moment... and you take all the time that you need in that regard.”Earlier, Harsha Bhogle also hinted saying, “Plenty of word around Rohit Sharma going into the tour of Australia. He might miss the first Test, hearing that there might be a new addition in his family,” as quoted by BollywoodShaadis.com.India vs Australia Test The Border-Gavaskar Trophy will commence on November 22 in Perth. The second Test, scheduled for December 6 to 10 at Adelaide Oval, will feature the day-night format under the stadium lights. Fans will then turn their attention to The Gabba in Brisbane for the third Test, from December 14 to 18.
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