JSW-GMR co-owned Delhi Capitals are excited to announce the retention of players as they prepare for season 3 of the Women’s Premier League. Following thorough evaluations and discussions, the franchise has decided to release Laura Harris, Poonam Yadav, Ashwani Kumari and Aparna Mondal ahead of this year’s auction.“Letting go of players from a successful squad is never easy, but that’s the challenge and beauty of franchise cricket,” said Sourav Ganguly, Director of Cricket – WPL. “Our coaches & scouts have identified the players that we believe will make this team even more complete, balanced and robust as we aim to lift the trophy. My best wishes to all the players.""We have an incredibly strong squad, and have played some brilliant cricket over the past two seasons. It’s always a tough decision for us to let go of these players, who’ve been an integral part of our success. I wish them the very best," said Head Coach, Jonathan Batty."These releases are for fine-tuning some details and for allowing us to bolster the strength and depth of the squad. Our scouting team has had a thorough look at a lot of local talent during the off-season. We’re confident of filling in the minor gaps in our squad, and making it more complete in the upcoming auction," he added.The auction for the third season of the Women’s Premier League will be held next month. Delhi Capitals has made it to the final of both editions of the tournament thus far.Retained Indian players: Jemimah Rodrigues, Shafali Verma, Radha Yadav, Arundhati Reddy, Shikha Pandey, Taniyaa Bhatia (WK), Minnu Mani, Sneha Deepthi, Titas SadhuRetained Overseas players: Meg Lanning, Marizanne Kapp, Jess Jonassen, Alice Capsey, Annabel SutherlandReleased players: Laura Harris, Poonam Yadav, Ashwani Kumari, Aparna MondalAbout DELHI CAPITALSThe Delhi Capitals team participates in both, the Indian Premier League (IPL) and the Women's Premier League (WPL). Co-owned by the GMR Group and the JSW Group, Delhi Capitals was established in 2008 as Delhi Daredevils before embracing a new avatar in 2019. In 2020, the team reached its first ever final. In 2023, Delhi Capitals became one of the five founding teams to participate in the Women’s Premier League. The team reached the final in the inaugural and second edition of the tournament, ending up as the runners-up each time.Follow us on: www.delhicapitals.in | Twitter: @DelhiCapitals |Facebook: DelhiCapitalsOfficial | Instagram: @delhicapitals | YouTube: DelhiCapitals
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