Kohli has an impeccable Test record in Australian conditions, racking up 1352 runs across 25 innings at an impressive average of 54.08 with six hundreds to his name. He captained his side to a historic win in 2018/19, when India became the first Asian side to win a Test series in Australia.“You talk about the media here and the following that Virat has in Australia. That’s on the back of having been here and played well in the past,” said Ponting.While fans and media amplify the intensity, Ponting acknowledges that the pressures on international cricket stars vary across different cultures and countries.Comparing Kohli’s reception in Australia to Steve Smith’s experience in England, Ponting says: “You think about other players like when Steve Smith goes to the UK (United Kingdom) and gets booed when he walks onto the ground. I mean, that’s all part of, I guess, the theatre that comes with international sports.”Ponting also reflects on Kohli’s leadership qualities and how he shoulders the burden for his team, regardless of the situation.“I had a look at what Ravi (Shastri) had to say about being the man that wanted to take all the bullets in Australia last time,” Ponting recalls, referencing Kohli’s previous tours to Australia. “And that’s what you expect from your leaders and your star players.”“When you travel abroad, and you know that the country’s against you, and you know the home media’s against you, you need to have your senior players stand up and be the protectors, if you like, of the younger players in that side,” Ponting added.
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