Former player Sunil Gavaskar said that Virat Kohli’s body was relaxed when he was in the middle during the second innings in the first Test against Australia in Perth. He mentioned that Kohli adjusted his stance to handle the conditions.India National Cricket Team beat Australia by 295 runs to take a 1-0 lead in the five-match Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25. While Kohli was dismissed after scoring five runs in the first essay, he accumulated an unbeaten 100 in the second innings to take his tally to 30 tons.Speaking on Star Sports, Gavaskar said that a change in the batting technique helped Kohli to bat with ease in front of the Aussie bowlers at the Optus Stadium in Perth.“His body was relaxed when he came out to bat in the second essay of the contest. In the first innings, Virat was under pressure due to the loss of two early wickets.“Apart from changing his stance in the second innings, his legs were a little bit wider and that give him the height he wanted to play his shots. On the bouncy pitches in Australia, you need that edge over the rivals,” he said.For Gavaskar, Virta Kohli’s four in the mid-wicket region on Josh Hazlewood’s delivery was the standout shot.“That was not the easy shot. A straight drive his easier but that boundary in the mid-wicket region was all magic,” he added.
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