Legendary Pakistan fast bowler Wasim Akram is confident that Rohit Sharma-led India will travel to Pakistan for the 2025 Champions Trophy.“I think, based on what I’m reading, there are positive vibes from the Indian government and BCCI,” Akram told reporters during an online press conference from Melbourne.“They will likely come to Lahore and travel back the same night. I’m all for it, as long as India is comfortable.”Advertisement“And I can promise you, they are going to be looked after amazingly well.”Akram also highlighted the immense fan following Indian cricketers have in Pakistan.India’s Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli and Jasprit Bumrah. (AP) India’s Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli and Jasprit Bumrah. (AP)“Indian cricketers like Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Hardik Pandya, and Suryakumar Yadav have fans in Pakistan. Young cricket fans adore them,” he said.Recently, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Mohsin Naqvi confirmed that all eight teams, including India, will travel to Pakistan for the Champions Trophy.Advertisement“Do not worry, all teams will come to Pakistan to play the Champions Trophy,” Naqvi stated in Karachi.Akram on RizwanWasim Akram has backed Pakistan’s newly-appointed ODI captain Mohammad Rizwan to excel in his role.“Rizwan is an experienced player. He has captained teams throughout his career, leading Multan Sultans in the PSL to one trophy and two finals,” Akram said.“When it comes to leadership, he’s a seasoned campaigner.”AdvertisementPakistan’s newly named captain, Mohammad Rizwan, smiles during a press conference regarding next month’s white-ball series against Australia, in Lahore, on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024. (AP Photo) Pakistan’s newly named captain, Mohammad Rizwan, smiles during a press conference regarding next month’s white-ball series against Australia, in Lahore, on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024. (AP Photo)“This is his first tour as captain, and it’s a challenging one. It’s tough to beat Australia in Australia, especially in ODI cricket,” he added.“In T20I cricket, there’s a chance, maybe, but Australia in ODI cricket is a tough team to beat.”Akram said that even winning one game in Australia would be a significant achievement.“They should just focus on cricket and try to do well against Australia. Winning even one ODI out of three in Australia would be a big accomplishment,” he said.
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